Bremer Freimarkt fifth season
Bremer Freimarkt – Ischa Freimaak – warum es eine fünfte Jahreszeit in Bremen gibt.
Actually the Freimarkt is called the fifth season in Bremen. This year the Bremen Freimarkt will take place in a much reduced form due to Corona. After all, this great folk festival (and one of the oldest in Germany) is allowed to take place as a leisure park. Certainly not a matter of course but maybe a small consolation instead of a complete cancellation.
So this year from 02.10. – 01.11.2020 the “Freipaak” will take place in a closed area in front of the Bremen Stadthalle.
The large beer tents will remain packed. Food and drinks and many rides will be provided anyway. On the website of Freipaak you can download further information, including the registration form for the contact proof: https://ischa-freipaak.de/
The entrance fee will be one Euro. Please note that the opening hours are limited and read the recommendations.
If you are more interested in the regular Freimarkt, just read on and let’s cross our fingers for 2021!
And this fifth season, which somehow runs parallel to autumn, is the time of the “Bremer Freimarkt”.
As the largest fun fair in Northern Germany, Bremen’s Freimarkt attracts around four million people every year in the last two weeks of October. The actual Freimarkt is located directly on the Bürgerweide behind the main station and is therefore very easy to reach.
Small Freimarkt – large Freimarkt
The small Bremen Freimarkt is located in the good living room of Bremen directly in front of the town hall.
A visit to the Freimarkt, no matter whether “large or small” Freimarkt is a must for Bremen. The attraction of the Freimarkt lies in the balanced mix of exhibitors and the many attractions and rides. Depending on your personal interests, you can work your way from one fish or sausage stall to the next, or walk from one carousel to the next. In this context,”fish” can also be replaced by “beer” or “food” in general.
With more than 50 rides, there is something for everyone.
Party on… Freimarkt
Visitors who prefer to go out and celebrate can do so in the big party tents. Just like the group of Englishmen, who have been having the Freimarkt for twenty years in their fixed travel programme and are partying every year in the Hanseatic tent. With the right level of fitness, you can turn night into day in Hall 7.
It starts on a Friday night with great fireworks. On the second weekend, the obligatory Freimarkt parade will take place, which was attended by around 200,000 people in 2016.
When is the Freimarkt?
The opening hours are daily from 13:00 to 23:00 (Friday and Saturday until 24:00).
The small Freimarkt will be opened on the market square at 4 p. m., followed by the opening of the large Freimarkt in the Bavarian tent on Bürgerweide at 6 p. m.
If you think that northern Germans are rather undercooled natures, don’t miss the opportunity to celebrate and have a party… And so you need four seasons to relax. If then it wouldn’t be the end of November with the Bremen Christmas market that the celebration would continue and almost seamlessly merge into the Samba carnival...
What are your impressions of the Freimarkt?